Office on Aging
The Franklin County Office on Aging is primarily responsible for planning, coordinating, and providing centralized access to diverse services and programs that assist older adults, dependent adults, and their families in the maintenance of independent living.
Senior Options
Senior Options is the "one-stop shop" for senior residents needing information, advocacy, or direct access to services such as home-delivered meals, personal care, respite care and more.
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services assists older adults who are in danger of being abused, neglected, or exploited. Learn about the warning signs and what steps you can take if someone you know is being abused.
Caregiver Support Program
The Caregiver and Kinship Support Programs provide a variety of support services for caregivers and kinship families once a calendar year.
Minor HomeRepair
The Minor Home Repair Program provides services that contribute to a safe and secure living environment for Franklin County seniors.