
280 East Broad St
Room 300
Columbus, Ohio 43215

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(614) 525-6200
Senior Options
(614) 525-6200
Adult Protective Svcs.
(614) 525-4348
Ohio Relay Service TDD
(800) 750-0750


Weekdays 8AM-5PM ET
Senior Options
Weekdays 9AM-4:30PM ET
Adult Protective Svcs.
Weekdays 9AM-5PM ET

Office on Aging

The Office on Aging provides centralized access to diverse programs and individualized services for older adults, dependent adults, and their families so they can preserve their independence.

Our Purpose

The Office on Aging provides centralized access to diverse programs and individualized services for older adults, dependent adults, and their families so they can preserve their independence.
Learn more

Upcoming Office on Aging Meetings